Friday, May 27, 2011

Cosmetology School

My summer school classes for Cosmetology started on Monday. It was great to get back to school to see the old friends and start doing hair again. On Monday's we have theory for (4) four hours and it is so hard to sit our butts in theory class that long, because we wanna do hair. We get to work on each other from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm and that is only day we get to work on each other. On Tuesday through Thursday we have theory for one hour and we do hair from 9:15 until 3:30.. We are so happy because we don't have to school on Friday's. We go 7 hours a day for 4 days and we love it.. We sure miss having Mr. H and we can't wait until he comes back in the fall.. i love cosmetology class but at the end of the day, I am really tired. We stay really busy during the day. Manicure's are fun and relaxing because you get to interact with your client's. Pedicure's are fun to, unless you get a client with nasty and gross toes..ha. If you love doing hair then you should go to school for doing hair and just because you go to school to learn how to do hair, it doesn't mean that you have to do hair. Seriously, think about it.. Hair is great and TIME is MONEY!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Frustration's of Boyfriends

OMG!! I don't know what to call this blog. I know I am so frustrated and I wanna scream. I now understand when my mom would say, " I just don't like them and there is something about them and I don't why." Whitney dated a guy from high school and I didn't like him from day one. I  don't know why I didn't like but I just didn't. Let me set this straight first, he was a black guy and it had NOTHING to do with his race.. I didn't think he gave Whitney the respect, time, or compliment's she so deserved. I would not allow to car date because she is to young but he come over to the house. He would bring her home from school, stay for about 15 minutes and then leave. This occurred daily. He would go to teen clubs with his friends. Whitney came second to everything he did. He would get mad at her and tell her not to come to the ball games at school, it was like he was trying to control her. Yes, it pissed me off. I have wiped thousand's of tears from this girl's eyes. She has awakened me in the middle of the night, running down the stairs, just a crying because he said something bad to her. Anyway, they broke up and the deal was he could never come back to the house, because of the things he done to Whitney and said about her, too.. Well, Whitney talked to my dad and my dad let this guy come back over. It was so hard to walk into the house with him sitting on the couch. I just wanted to smack the shit out of him. I just wished Whitney would open up her eyes and realize that he don't want wanna be with Whitney but he don't want her either. He came over the house and told her that he didn't wanna a girlfriend right now. Why is he leading my daughter on? Oh yeah, I forgot that he had sex with one of Whitney's really good friend's. I am sorry but he has no respect or loyalty for my daughter and I don't understand why she won't let go. Is it because I hate him so bad??

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Parenting is a big issue for me and I mean BIG!!!... I am 33 and will turn 34 near the end of June. I am a very open minded person, who believes that every person has a different opinion and that is great, but as my grandmother told me, "OPINIONS ARE LIKE ASSHOLES AND EVERYONE HAS THEM." Here are some issues that pisses people off when I tell them my opinion on parenting. I had my children when I was young and I remember the things that I did and didn't always tell my parents what I was doing and I did that on purpose. Do you think I would tell my parents, going to a party where alcohol will present? My parents would have fell through the floor.. No, I don't try to be kids friend but I DO REMEMBER what is was like to be TEENAGER and that is why I am glad I had my kids when I was young. Yes, as a parent you do want your children to do better than you did, but they are also gonna experiment. The question is DO YOU WANT THEM TO TELL YOU OR DO IT BEHIND YOUR BACK? So here is my opinions on some parenting issues that gets some people pissed off:

BIRTH CONTROL- Yes, I have told all four (4) of my children that when they decided to have sex to come to me and I would have them put on birth control. I have told my 3 daughters when they come to that point in their life and they make the decision to have sex and before they do have sex to please come to me and I would have them put on some form of birth control. I told my son that when he decided to have sex to come to me and if he was to embrassed to buy his condoms, to come and tell me and I would go buy them. I would rather my children didn't have sex at all BUT if they decided to that some form of birth control be used. My son had a friend who had a baby at 15 and he has seen the obstacles that has been placed in that friends life because of getting his girlfriend pregnant at the age of 15.  When my son's friend was in labor, he heard her scream and he ran the hall saying, "Mom, sex isn't worth it," and yes I hope he remembers those painful screams.

DRINKING- Umm, this is gonna make a lot of people mad but I would rather my children experiment with drinking at home instead of party. Why? If they are at party are they gonna leave with someone who has been drinking? Will they get raped? What kind of behavior mood will they be in? No, I didn't say let my children friend's drink at my house, I AM SAYING MY KIDS. I would rather my children be drunk at home, because I know what they are doing. As a teenager I never had the acquired taste for alcohol. I am hoping my children don't either. I know my son has been drunk, at the age of 11. I let my son go to beach with a friend of his and I didn't know that he was gonna get drunk, because this friend's whole family was going. On this week long beach trip, my son also smoked cigarettes. My son was not forth coming with the information but instead I heard it from the friend's mouth and what shocked me was that they friend's family said, Oh Tyler, was great. We had no trouble out of him and he was well behaved. I asked myself was great, no problem, and well behaved because he was drunk? That was MY decision to make, whether or not to let my child drink. Needless to say, my son has NEVER went on vacation with that family before.

CIGARETTES-NO. I would NEVER buy my children cigarettes.

I will add more to this, when we have our PARENTING MEETINGS in Monday's Class while fixing hair.. What a great conversation!!


Ugh!! I am so frustrated that it is not funny. Actually, I am very disappointed. I know there are other disease's out there that are worse that Diabetes, but Diabetes robs your life secretly. I had emergency surgery in January of 2009, because I had Ovarian Torsion on my right ovary. I had the doctors fooled because they thought I was pregnant, but wasn't. Ovarian Torsion is very painful, a lot discomfort, and tremendous amount of swelling. In fact, so much swelling that I looked like I was 38 or 40 weeks pregnant and wasn't even pregnant. I know you are wondering why I am talking about Ovarian Torsion and Diabetes together, is because Diabetes caused the Ovarian Torsion. Diabetes causes you to sweat, have pain or numbness in your hands and feet, swelling, being thirsty, blurred vision, and sores not healing as fast as they should. Those are a list of my symptoms. My grandpa had Diabetes, lost his vision and half of his right leg. He would tell you that he heard them saw his leg off, because he couldn't be put to sleep. I am scared to death that I am gonna go blind or lose a leg. I went to the doctor today and had to have some medication changes because my diabetes is progression rapidly. So today I left with numerous medications. I have to take Cymbalta for depression and neuropathy. Neuropathy is where you have sharp pain, numbness, and swelling in your hands or feet, but mostly feet. HCTZ is a diuretic, to help get rid of excess water. Metformin is used to help control blood sugars. Glimipride is used with Metformin or other medications to help in assisting to control blood sugars. Neurotin is for the neuropathy in my feet. I also check my blood sugar four (4) times a day. Today when I went to the doctor I found out that majority of my health problems that have occurred in the last year is due to DIABETES. I wanted to put my questions that I brought to the doctors appointment in my pocketbook and leave the office, all because I didn't wanna face reality. I didn't wanna face my FEAR of being diagnosed with DIABETES. Yeah, I can lose about 20 to 30 pounds but Diabetes has CONTROL of my body. If I lose the weight, that is great for me, because I will look better, be skinner, but I would still have to take the diabetes medication and that crushed me. Why? Because after seeing my grandpa and working in the medical field, you see first hand what happens. I have a greater chance of having a stroke, heart attack, going blind, or losing a leg. I know Cancer is bad because I seen firsthand how my mom's cousin suffered with Cancer. So, I asked my doctor to give me a medication called, Adipex, which helps with losing weight. I have set a goal for myself to lose 30 lbs. I have changed my eating habits, exercise regimen, and how I handle all these medications.I don't Diabetes to be the cause of my death or have this big control on my life. I wanna CONQUER diabetes.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Interracial Dating

Many of us that are parent's, all we want for our children is happiness or at least that is what we tell ourselves and other people. Why do we get angry when our children date out of their race? My oldest daughter, Whitney, dated out of her race. The relationship didn't bother me but what bothered me was, the guy. The guy came to our house, visited, ate, and played with her younger siblings. What made me angry was they way he treated Whitney. He would make her cry, talk to other girls, and they would have many fights. I got asked many times why do I allow Whitney to date out of her race. Who am I tell her that she can't. I have dated out of my race. I seen the prejudice's on both sides. I have seen the looks that white girls get for dating a black guy and I have been to my boyfriend's house and couldn't use their bathroom because I was white. If a white, black, or Latino guy or girl is what makes my children happy, so be it. If you don't like it, then turn your head. I want my children to be happy and live their life to the fullest. I don't want them to marry a white guy because they think their family will be mad if they marry out of their race. I want them to marry the person who makes them happy and they can't live without. I wouldn't want my children to miserable and have a failed marriage because they sold their self short to make someone else happy. I couldn't imagine seeing my kid's miserable to make other people happy. If you are a racist person, then you need to look inside yourself and see what you are scared of. Are you scared to get to know them? Are you scared that you might fall in love with a person, who looks different than you? Think about it..

"Illegal" Immigrant's

I am really curious to know this myself. Are any of us really "TRUE" Americans? As we all know the first "true" Americans in the United States were Indian's. I can't stand to hear the word's illegal immigrant, spic, and wetback. I have dated a legal and illegal immigrant. Are we considered "TRUE" Americans because we were born here or because our founding father's came over here, many year's ago, and took this land from the "TRUE" Americans. Why do we think we have the right to make comment's about illegal immigrant's. Yes, illegal immigrant's pay taxes. If a illegal immigrant, uses a social security number, rather it is real or fake, they still pay taxes. Some immigrant's get caught up with child support, alimony, back taxes, and other bill's that someone else fell to pay. Obama got a lot of Latino community to vote for him in 2008, because he was gonna do something on immigration. Obama hasn't done nothing for immigration and the Latino community is still suffering, because this was put on the back burner. I have seen illegal immigrant's pay thousand of dollar's for paper's, only to look over their shoulder, because they are scared that INS is gonna come looking for them. I have asked myself this many of times, Could I survive in another country without all the luxuries, that we have in the United States? Could I wash clothes without a washing machine? Could I go into a field and kill my supper? Could I use a outhouse? Could I walk a distance to pump water? We as people sit back and judge other people before we know what they have been through. I lived with an "illegal" immigrant for 6 years. He done more my kid's than their own father did and none of my kid's were biologically his. He worked and put me through school. He helped my family in many way's that some of the "Americans" wouldn't do. Are we scared that the Latinos are gonna come and take over America? All I am saying to the people out there that have negative thoughts of other culture's, research yourself. Are you willing to give up so many luxuries and wants? If you lived in a third world country, would you sacrifice yourself to come to another country, to provide better for your family, that you left behind. What some people don't know is that, in other countries, there is a raffle, where every month 30 to 50 people names are entered into a raffle drawing and if your name is drawn, then you receive paper's to come to America and no question's asked? All I am saying is sit back and think about what you would do, if you were in their shoes? I am not trying to make anyone mad but this is something that is close to my heart and everyone has opinion's. What is a wetback? To me a wetback is a person, that gets into a shower and gets their back wet. The term wetback is so stupid, because NOT all "illegal" immigrant's swam or waddled through the Rio Grande River.  What is a spic? There is no good explanation for the term spic, except that people that use it is stupid..

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Depression has affected my life in many way's and I wish that I could wash it away. I have never had something that has ruled my life, for months at a time. I had my first bout with depression in 1996. I had postpartum depression after all four of my kid's. I can remember crying for no reason, thinking negative thought's about myself, and wanting to run away from children. I have tried different type's of medication and been through the ringer with them. I tried Prozac, Lexapro, Celexa, Paxil, Wellbutrin, and some anxiety medication. I am currently taking Cymbalta and it works for me. I have anxiety, too. When my grandmother died, unexpectedly in 2006, my world literally crumbled. She WAS my rock. She protected at every angle she could. In her eyes, I done nothing wrong. She loved me for me. I never got help for my depression before my grandma passed away, because in her eyes if you depressed, that meant you were crazy. Grandma really believed that "depressed" people were crazy. I have figured out what "trigger" signs, that will bring on a depressed on moment. When, I am depressed I wanna cry, eat, sleep and I don't care about nothing in the world. When, Tyler, was 2 weeks old and Whitney, a year old, I remember walking through the woods to my mom's house and telling her, that if she didn't take Whitney and Tyler, I would probably hurt them. I have even went and had myself committed at UNC to help figure out, the kind of help I needed. I have been diagnosed with major depression issues and anxiety. I struggled for, six (6) hours and called many family members, to see if I should go seek the help I needed.. I didn't want people to think I am crazy, because I went an had myself committed. When I was in the hospital for 4 day's, I learned so much stuff about myself.  All, I hope is that if someone reads this blog and it helps them or someone they know, then I will be happy..