Sunday, May 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 26~A Proud Mommy Moment

This proud mommy moment was total shock to me. My son, Tyler, who is in the 7th grade, got a $22,000.00 scholarship. When Tyler was in kindergarten, the teacher's told me to hold him back and have him repeat his kindergarten year. As a parent, I did what the teacher's told me to do, after all, I thought they knew what they were talking about. The following school year, I had to put Tyler into a different school and the teacher there, asked me, why I held him back. I explained to her what the other teacher told me to do. She told me that, I shouldn't have held him back because Tyler is smart little boy. Tyler isn't always perfect and had his share of trouble at school. In his 6th grade year, he got inducted into The Beta Club and nomainated for a leadership conference. I was a proud mama then. Then in 2010-11 school year, Tyler got nomainated from his guidance counselor for a scholarship, just for 7th graders in North Carolina. At the awards ceremony, Tyler was given his award for that. So, if he graduates, he will receive a $22,000.00 scholarship. I was proud of Tyler. This little boy has came so far. Tyler lost his father, in June of 2007, to murder. This has been a struggle for Tyler, because he is missing a piece of him. I love you Tyler and proud to call you my son..

 Tyler's Award
Tyler, my son

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