Tuesday, May 10, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 30~Something I Love

I have four beautiful thing's in my life that I love. I would die for these four little people that I gave birth too.. There are day's that I wake up and realize, I am so lucky because God gave them to me. I am not gonna lie there has been some rocky times but I wouldn't change the challenge that they give me. All four of them are unique in their own special way. I have 3 girl's and boy.

Whitney Erin was born on July 27, 1996. I was really excited when she finally arrived. She is beautiful and care free. She can sing and loves, too. I wish that she had more self-confidence and believed in herself, that she could do anything. She tends to trust people a lot and gets hurt. If Whitney loves you, really loves you. She loves you with everything she has. I hope she follows her dreams. I love you, Lubie..

Tyler Matthew was born on July 26, 1997. He is my only boy. I don't like his name. His name was supposed to be Caden Tyler but my grandpa, couldn't say Caden, so I let my mom name him. He is very smart and got nominated for scholarship this year. He loves to play basketball, football, and baseball. Tyler wants to go West Point, when he graduates and I want him to follow in his dream. He can be a bully sometimes but he will be in your corner, if someone is attacking you and he don't think it is right. I will say this, he does protect his family, especially his sister's.. I love you, Ty!!

Breanna Rae, was born on March 14, 2000. She is my feisty girl. She loves animals. She doesn't let anyone influence her decision's. She is very loyal to her friend's. She wants to be a veterinary and that is all she talks about. She loves to sing, too.. She walks on her tip toes 95% of the time. She loves to drink coffee and it has to be Folger's.  I call her my bully because they way she will fight her brother. There is never a dull moment when Breanna is around.. I love you B-Hanna's..

Morgan Leigh, was born on October 10, 2001. She is my tomboy and there is nothing girly about her. She loves to wear basketball jersey's all the time. She don't like to comb her hair. She loves to play sports of any kind. In her eyes, Tyler is her idol, because he can do no wrong. She does not like change. She is my only blonde hair, blue eyed girl. She is very tender hearted..  She is very giving and loves JB.. I love you MoMo!!!

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