Monday, May 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 9~Cosmetology Directions On Things You Can Do At Home

Great Hair Tips
  • The hot tip to make your hair smell aromatic is to prepare your own hair perfume at home. Mix 6 tablespoons of powdered charcoal, 5 tablespoons of powdered myrrh and 1 tablespoon of powdered benzoin together and sieve it thoroughly. Add 2-3 drops of bergamot oil and 2-3 drops of sandalwood oil, 1 tablespoon of potassium nitrate and mucilage of tragacanth to the mixture until it acquires the consistency of a stiff paste. Heat the mixture over a water bath. Shape it into little cones and dry them. Whenever you wash your hair, light one of the cones while your hair is still damp and let them soak the smell of the cone.
  • A perfect way to get rid of dry, brittle, dull hair is to massage mayonnaise into your hair thoroughly, starting from the roots to the hair ends. Then pile your hair on top of your head and cover them fully with plastic food wrap. Wrap the pre-heated towel around it and keep it on for 10 minutes. This will help in deep-conditioning your hair. Now, replace the towel with another pre-heated towel and leave it on for 10 minutes too. Now remove all the wraps and shampoo your hair. This cholesterol treatment once a month for your hair is a boon that will keep it soft and shiny.
  • If you don't have time to shampoo your oily hair daily, you can try this out. Pour some cornstarch into a dish and dip a clean, large blush brush into it. Brush your scalp and hair roots thoroughly with the cornstarch and leave it on for 10 minutes to soak off the oil. Then brush away the cornstarch flakes, ridding your hair with all that unwanted greasiness.
  • Make a mixture by adding ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 gallon of distilled water and store it in the refrigerator. Once a fortnight, shampoo and rinse your hair thoroughly and then pour 2 cups of the mixture over the scalp and let it saturate the hair. Rinse your hair with cold water to get rid of all the drab of hair styling products.
  • A possible cure for your impossible dandruff is vinegar. Massage it into your scalp and leave it to dry for a few minutes. Wash the hair thoroughly and repeat the process daily. Dandruff usually disappears within a few days.
  • The ancient Mayan women used avocados to keep their skin and hair healthy. Here is their infallible hair mask that you can use too - Mix ½ ripe avocado, 1 tbsp. olive oil, ½ small banana and 1 egg yolk together and massage it into your hair. Cover it with a plastic wrap and leave it on for one hour. Rinse the mask with warm water and then shampoo your hair thoroughly.
  • Say goodbye to your dandruff by dissolving 2 aspirins in your dandruff shampoo before washing your hair with it. Moisturize your hair with a good conditioner later.
  • Powder your greasy hair by putting it a little at the root of your hair before straying. For very oily hair, powder your hair heavily and keep it on for 15 minutes. Then wash the hair completely and condition lightly before making the desired style.
  • To bleach your hair naturally or just lighten their color, rub lemon juice on them and wander out for a walk in natural sunlight.

Homemade Hand Care Tips

Hand Sugar Exfoliant
Mix two tablespoons of oil (vegetable, olive, baby or safflower oil) with three tablespoons of sugar (using coarse sugar will be better) and form a paste. Gently rub the paste on your hands and continue doing so for 2-3 minutes. Wash off with warm water and dry thoroughly.

Hand Softener
For coarse and dry hands, mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of sugar and a little water. Apply this mixture on your hands and let it sit for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water and dry thoroughly.

Tomato-Lime Softener
If you have rough skin on your hands, this recipe will surely prove to be handy. Take out the juice of one tomato and one lime and mix well. Add 2-3 tbsp glycerin to it and massage your hand with the mixture, for 3-4 minutes. Wash off with warm water and dry thoroughly.

Honey-Egg Softener
In a bowl, put an ounce of honey, the white portion of an egg, one tsp of glycerin and some barley powder. Mix the ingredients well and apply on clean hands. Let the paste sit on your hands for a few minutes and then wash off with water.

Nourishing Hand Cream
Mix 1/3 cup of glycerin and 2/3 cups of rose water. Put the mixture in a bottle and shake it well. Store it in a cool and dry place .Massage your hands with the mixture as often as possible.

Cuticle Softener
Warm olive oil can go a long way in softening your cuticles. Just after you have taken a bath, push your cuticles back and massage warm olive oil into them. Use the tips of the fingers for the purpose.

Homemade Manicure Tips
Before using any homemade manicure recipe on your hands, make sure to remove the nail polish, if you have put on any.
Always make sure to apply a hand moisturizer after your manicure in complete. It will help give extra moisture to your hands.

Nail Care 
  • To harden soft nails, soak them in warm olive oil for about 20 minutes, on alternate days.
  • To remove stains from your nails, mix one tablespoon of lemon juice in a cup of water and soak your nails in this liquid for a few minutes. Then, wash off with warm water and apply a hand moisturizer.
  • It is not a good idea to remove the cuticles from your nails, as it will make the nail susceptible to infection. Rather, you should make use of good quality cuticle oil and gently push back the cuticles, with the help of an orangewood stick.
  • Try to stay away from acetone polish removers as much as you can and stick to the one that make use of acetate. Still, try not to use a polish remover more than once a week.
  • In case you wear nail polish, make sure to give your nails a break from time to time. In other words leave them without polish for a few days, every now and then. Otherwise, they will develop an ugly, yellow tint.
  • If you want to give a natural sheen to your nails, just like the colorless base coat, rub petroleum jelly on your nails and then buff them, with the help of a soft cloth.
  • If you have brittle nails or split or dull nails, then increasing your consumption of Organic Silica, Vitamin B (especially B5) and MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) will surely help.
  • Never ever resort to nail biting, as it is extremely destructive for the nails as well as the cuticles. If you are in the habit of biting your nails, drop it as soon as possible.
  • Whenever you wash your hands, while bathing as well as otherwise, make sure to dry the nails properly and apply a hand cream or lotion, using it on the nails as well. This is because soap makes the nails dry and brittle.
  • The best time to file your nails is when you are already wearing a polish. This will prevent splitting or breaking of nails.
  • If you have brittle nails, it is advisable to wear a nail polish, or at least the colorless base coat, as much as you can. 

Foot Care
  • The first step to good foot care is to remove the hard skin from your feet. You may have to use a pumice stone or apply cream generously on the area in order to remove the dead foot skin. Soak your feet in a bowl of slightly hot water. This will soften the dirt and the dead skin, which will allow you to remove it easily. You could use a foot file as well, rub your skin gently and rinse off the flaky residue.
  • After this soak your feet for about 10 min in a bowl of warm water. Add some mineral salts or palm sea salts, along with a few drops of lavender essential oils that will relieve the aches and reduce the swelling.
  • Dry your feet, especially between your toes. Trim the nails of your toes by cutting straight across the tip. Shape the corners with an emery board.
  • Massage your feet with rich foot skin cream. Cup your hands on either side of your foot and with your thumbs firmly press the upper part of your foot while pushing your thumbs outwards.
  • Gently massage the anklebone in a circular motion to remove any stiffness in the ankle.
  • Remove the extra cream from your nails. Then place cotton wool tufts in-between your toes to keep them apart.
  • First apply a base coat of nail polish and then apply a second coat if required. When you apply nail polish, begin from the middle of the nail with one quick stroke and then work outwards.
  • Wait for ½ an hour before wearing your shoes.
 Body Care

  • Take a warm, soothing bath. Fill your bathtub with warm water and some lavender that helps in calming and relaxing the body and reduces muscle tension. You can add chamomile, which is a skin soother and helps in reducing swelling and pain in the skin. Lie in the bath for some time and let these herbs relax your body and mind.
  • If you want to wake up with a tan you can use a self-tanning lotion overnight. Exfoliate your skin with a scrub and moisturize. Once the moisturizer is fully absorbed spread the self-tanning lotion evenly all over your body, working on one portion of the body at a time. Use wipes to wipe the tanner off your palm and fingers as you apply the lotion. Today there are many self-tanning lotions that dry in five minutes.
  • Your hands are the first to show signs of aging and often neglected as well. Give your hands a new lease of life. Apply a generous amount of rich hand cream to restore lost moisture. This is an important part of night body care.
  • While sleeping in your bed, ensure that your neck is properly supported through the night. Buy a good quality people to help keep the stress off your neck. Your sleep should rejuvenate you so ensure that every part of your body is taken care of properly.
  • Ingrown hairs block pores and can cause bacteria to develop, resulting in redness and swelling. Use a cream that has glycolic and salicylic acid that removes the bacteria. Make it a part of your night care routine for a few nights and you will get rid of ingrown hairs.
  • Your feet support the weight of your entire body. Find time to take care of them. If they are callused and cracked moisturize them well. If they are cracked use a foot cream that has glycolic acid. Apply this cream before you sleep and slip on a pair of clean cotton socks. This should be another important part of your body care routine every night.
  • Light aromatic candles in your bedroom. These candles will provide a soothing atmosphere and relax your senses. Just remember to blow them out before you sleep.
  • Keep the humidifier running in the bedroom to keep the air moist. You skin will glow and be replenished by the moist air through the night.
  • Use a "hot stone massage" to heat your heart. This treatment that is common in spas can be done at home too. You need a smooth flat stone as large as the human hand. You can find one on the beach or buy one in a skin care boutique. Follow the instructions given below:
  • Boil water in a pot. 
  • · Add rosemary, clove and peppermint into the water. 
  • · Put the rock into the water and let it stay there till it is heated. 
  • · Put off the heat and allow the rock to turn nice and warm. 
  • · Lie down in a dark or softly lit bedroom and place the warm rock between your breasts, on your chest. Allow the warmth and aroma of the stone to relax you and soothe you into a deep peaceful sleep.

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