Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Ugh!! I am so frustrated that it is not funny. Actually, I am very disappointed. I know there are other disease's out there that are worse that Diabetes, but Diabetes robs your life secretly. I had emergency surgery in January of 2009, because I had Ovarian Torsion on my right ovary. I had the doctors fooled because they thought I was pregnant, but wasn't. Ovarian Torsion is very painful, a lot discomfort, and tremendous amount of swelling. In fact, so much swelling that I looked like I was 38 or 40 weeks pregnant and wasn't even pregnant. I know you are wondering why I am talking about Ovarian Torsion and Diabetes together, is because Diabetes caused the Ovarian Torsion. Diabetes causes you to sweat, have pain or numbness in your hands and feet, swelling, being thirsty, blurred vision, and sores not healing as fast as they should. Those are a list of my symptoms. My grandpa had Diabetes, lost his vision and half of his right leg. He would tell you that he heard them saw his leg off, because he couldn't be put to sleep. I am scared to death that I am gonna go blind or lose a leg. I went to the doctor today and had to have some medication changes because my diabetes is progression rapidly. So today I left with numerous medications. I have to take Cymbalta for depression and neuropathy. Neuropathy is where you have sharp pain, numbness, and swelling in your hands or feet, but mostly feet. HCTZ is a diuretic, to help get rid of excess water. Metformin is used to help control blood sugars. Glimipride is used with Metformin or other medications to help in assisting to control blood sugars. Neurotin is for the neuropathy in my feet. I also check my blood sugar four (4) times a day. Today when I went to the doctor I found out that majority of my health problems that have occurred in the last year is due to DIABETES. I wanted to put my questions that I brought to the doctors appointment in my pocketbook and leave the office, all because I didn't wanna face reality. I didn't wanna face my FEAR of being diagnosed with DIABETES. Yeah, I can lose about 20 to 30 pounds but Diabetes has CONTROL of my body. If I lose the weight, that is great for me, because I will look better, be skinner, but I would still have to take the diabetes medication and that crushed me. Why? Because after seeing my grandpa and working in the medical field, you see first hand what happens. I have a greater chance of having a stroke, heart attack, going blind, or losing a leg. I know Cancer is bad because I seen firsthand how my mom's cousin suffered with Cancer. So, I asked my doctor to give me a medication called, Adipex, which helps with losing weight. I have set a goal for myself to lose 30 lbs. I have changed my eating habits, exercise regimen, and how I handle all these medications.I don't Diabetes to be the cause of my death or have this big control on my life. I wanna CONQUER diabetes.

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