Tuesday, May 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 13~Something Weird That Happened To You

 JR and Whitney

 Jay, Melissa, Savannah Byrd

 Savannah Helie Byrd

 JR holding Whitney

As a little girl, I had a best friend named Melissa Baldwin. We were inseparable from middle to high school. We dressed a like, done each others hair, and lived at each others house. Melissa married her high school sweetheart, Jay Byrd in August of 1994. I got engaged in April to 1995, to William Charles Lounsbury, junior (aka JR). I graduated high school in May of 1995 and in August of 1995, I was married. Our marriage only lasted for about four months (living together) but longer because of marriage laws in North Carolina. Melissa found out in early December that she was pregnant and her baby was due in July of 1996. My baby was due in August of 1996. I found out I was pregnant on January 2, 1996 and boy I was in shock. One, I was heartbroken because my marriage fell apart and her I was gonna be a single mom, to a beautiful baby. Melissa and I went to the movies and watched Father of The Bride 2, together. This movie is about where the mother and daughter, go into labor at the same time. Melissa and I joked about us going to labor at the same time. On July 26, 1996, Melissa labor was induced and I had an ob-gyn appointment that morning at 9 am. I called and old Melissa that after I went to the doctor, I would stop by and see her. I had two weeks before my baby was due. After, my ob-gyn appointment, I went to the hospital to see Melissa. Melissa was miserable. The doctor just arrived, about 5 minutes after I got there. The doctor finally decided to break Melissa's water. I left the hospital around 10 am to head home. When I got home I put me a Mr. P's pizza in the oven and started cleaning. My mom had called me and asked if I would bring her my vacuum cleaner, through the woods and I did. I went back home and told mom to call when she was finished with the vacuum and she said okay. I was cleaning and about 15 minutes later, mom called and said come get the vacuum. I went through the woods, got the vacuum cleaner, carried it back through the woods, and was walking up the back door steps. As, I was walking up the back door steps, I felt like I had peed on myself. So, I called mom and told her I thought my water had broke. She told me to call the doctor and I did. The doctor's office told me to go the hospital, because there was strip they could use and tell if my water had broke. Well, I didn't get to eat my pizza, called Melissa told her what was going on, grab my bag's for the hospital, and got in the car. I was nervous and scared because my baby wasn't due for another 2 weeks. On the way to the hospital, my dad kept asking, "Amy, you sure that you didn't pee on yourself?" I told dad, I don't know. Well, when I got to the hospital, the put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me to the maternity ward. I was placed in a room and a strip test was done and sure enough my water had broke. My dad was nervous and excited, because this was the first grand baby. I wasn't allowed to walk because my water had broke and I was placed in my room, on the opposite end of the hall than Melissa. I explained to my nurse what was going on, with Melissa and me. The nurses thought it was so cute. So, the race was on to see which one of us would deliver first. Melissa had to have a c-section and Savannah Helie Byrd, was born at 8pm. I dilated to a complete 10 centimeters at 8 pm. I started pushing and finally at 12 am, my bundle of joy was here, Whitney Erin Lounsbury. I was a proud mama. The next day, I walked down the hall, because Melissa couldn't because of her c-section to show off Whitney to Melissa and so I could see Savannah. When I walked in to the room to see Melissa, we both busted out laughing, because we went and seen Father of The Bride 2, together and we were in labor together. So, we said they should come out with a movie called The Best Friends In Labor Together..

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