Sunday, May 22, 2011

Frustration's of Boyfriends

OMG!! I don't know what to call this blog. I know I am so frustrated and I wanna scream. I now understand when my mom would say, " I just don't like them and there is something about them and I don't why." Whitney dated a guy from high school and I didn't like him from day one. I  don't know why I didn't like but I just didn't. Let me set this straight first, he was a black guy and it had NOTHING to do with his race.. I didn't think he gave Whitney the respect, time, or compliment's she so deserved. I would not allow to car date because she is to young but he come over to the house. He would bring her home from school, stay for about 15 minutes and then leave. This occurred daily. He would go to teen clubs with his friends. Whitney came second to everything he did. He would get mad at her and tell her not to come to the ball games at school, it was like he was trying to control her. Yes, it pissed me off. I have wiped thousand's of tears from this girl's eyes. She has awakened me in the middle of the night, running down the stairs, just a crying because he said something bad to her. Anyway, they broke up and the deal was he could never come back to the house, because of the things he done to Whitney and said about her, too.. Well, Whitney talked to my dad and my dad let this guy come back over. It was so hard to walk into the house with him sitting on the couch. I just wanted to smack the shit out of him. I just wished Whitney would open up her eyes and realize that he don't want wanna be with Whitney but he don't want her either. He came over the house and told her that he didn't wanna a girlfriend right now. Why is he leading my daughter on? Oh yeah, I forgot that he had sex with one of Whitney's really good friend's. I am sorry but he has no respect or loyalty for my daughter and I don't understand why she won't let go. Is it because I hate him so bad??

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