Tuesday, May 10, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 29~My Own Personal Hero

My own personal hero is my Mom. When I was younger, you always heard the saying that blood is thicker than water or your mom is your true best friend and you didn't believe it. I have to say that is so true. There is no one in the whole world gonna have your back your like your mom. My mom has been there when I have fallen, been sick, had children, made the best and worse decision's that I could ever make. Your mom is never there to judge you. She is there to wipe to your tear's when those nasty boy's break your heart's. You can step on, be mean, and say mean thing's to your mom but they always forgive you. I have worked for my mom twice and I always say I will never do it again. I have called her the slave driver. She has taught me valuable lesson's and been in my corner, when I thought I didn't have no one. Your mom is your rock, cheerleader, friend, and caregiver. I love my mom with all my heart and when I lose her to death, I will honestly say that I will be lost without her.

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