Tuesday, May 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 19~Books I Have Read

  1. To Kill A Mockingbird
  2. Good In Bed
  3. Certain Girls
  4. Goodnight Nobody
  5. Little Earthquakes
  6. In Her Shoes
  7. The Guy Not Taken
  8. Best Friends Forever
  9. The Notebook
  10. Message In The Bottle
  11. Dear John
  12. A Walk To Remeber
  13. Three Weeks With My Brother
  14. The Wedding
  15. The Last Song
  16. Cold Mountain
  17. Songs of the Humpback Whate
  18. Harvesting The Heart
  19. Mercy
  20. My Sister's Keeper
  21. Picture Perfect
  22. Perfect Match
  23. Plain Truth
  24. Salem Falls
  25. Second Glance
  26. Vanishing Acts
  27. Tenth Circle
  28. Heidi
  29. Washington Acts
  30. Nineteen Minutes
  31. Change of Heart
  32. Color Purple
  33. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  34. The Great Gatsby
  35. Macbeth
  36. Scarlett Letter
  37. The Grapes of Wrath
  38. Huckleberry Finn
  39. The Crucible
  40. Julius Ceaser
  41. The Odyessey
  42. Uncle Tom's Cabin
  43. Great Expections
  44. Tale of Two Cities
  45. Hamlet
  46. Romeo and Juliett
  47. The Sound and The Fury
  48. Frankenstein
  49. One Hundred Years of Solitude
  50. Diary of Anne Frank

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