Sunday, May 8, 2011

30 Day Challenge, Day 25~A Letter To Someone

Dear Pill Head's,

I have to say at this very moment, I am a very upset woman. I have four beautiful children and I would not trade them for nothing. What really makes me angry is that I have a cousin, who got his girlfriend pregnant, and both are not suitable parent's. They both drink, snort pill's, take pill's, and smoke pot. When any NORMAL woman becomes pregnant, they usually kick the bad habit's. They give up smoking, occasional drinking, and any other bad habit, they have started over the year's. Why would any woman want to risk the health of their baby? Do they NOT care or just ignorant as hell? Are you stupid? 

I am going to tell you what frustrates me. A girl becomes pregnant and is happy as can be. At the very moment you find out your preggo, wouldn't you stop your bad habit's. Why would you wanna spend money on pill's to snort and take, to make you high? Why are you living off the system and selling your food stamp's to support habit? Why can't you get off your butt and go to work, to support your habit. Why do you need to bring an innocent baby girl into this world? There is thing's that your baby is gonna need, that food stamps can't buy. Who is supposed buy those thing's for the baby? This woman, has four children already and lost all four children. Why I don't know and don't care? She is given the chance to get, two of four children back, if she could pass random drug test. Does she care? No, the only thing she cares about, is where her next pill high is coming from. All through, your pregnancy you snorted Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, and Methadone. Each time you went to the doctor, they secretly drug tested you and for month's they knew that you were using drug's that you didn't have prescription's for, but you thought you had the system beat and guess what you, you didn't. Your daughter is born and she is not having withdrawals to the drug's that were in YOUR system, thank goodness. That means God was looking out for her. You wouldn't even go to the hospital until you got "pill high" and you tested positive for Methadone. We know you don't care about passing the drug test that Social Services make you take, because you have failed all of them. What blow's my mind is that you run to the Methadone clinic everyday to get your 30 mg of Methadone in liquid form, because you are addicted. Someone really need's to kick your butt and give you reality check. You wouldn't even tell your "OWN" daughter that you were pregnant because you didn't know how to, WHY, because you lost custody of her
There are couple's in this world that wanna have children and can't. Sorry, but the one's that have kid's sometimes, honestly don't need them, like YOU.. We are taught not to question to God, and I am not doing that, or at least I am trying not to. I just hope that something happens before it is to late for this innocent child and another innocent child life is lost.

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